Want to know more about the Studio?
Learn more about our 2D capabilities and services offered.Learn more about our 3D animation services.Learn about the types of media we can handle.
Our on-again, off-again side project of giant 3D robots in ancient Greece...Sorta.This was our first 3D project ever...Our first animation project ever, for that matter.Ooooo!  Informative yet entertaining animation about, uh, animation!.Our bi-weekly online comic/manga.  Go read it...NOW!
A small gallery of our 2D and illustration work.A small gallery of our video samples. Want to get in contact with us?A small forum for everyone to discuss various Pseudome-related topics.A listing of various reviews, interview and press releases involving the Studio.For now we've just linked up our OLD links page.  It's MASSIVE and would be a shame to get rid of it outright. We'll be sprucing it up shortly.
The front page of the Pseudome web site.Random ramblings on various topics.

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All material contained within this web site is copyrighted © 2002 - 2003 of Pseudomé Studio LLC, Mike Schwark, and Ron Kaulfersch unless otherwise noted.